A blog about intentional living.
An idea has cropped up about starting yet another blog, this one will be about intentional living. The overarching themes of this year have brought what is important to the front and center. Since this is a concept near and dear to my heart, it will be easy for me to write about. For once,…
This could be you.
Have a look at the haul above. This is the entirety of my brother’s estate before the debts are accounted for. After the debts are discharged because there is nowhere to get them paid, this pile of change is all that’s left. I’m not saying that I will leave much of anything for the world…
Labor day.
Labor day today and there is a touch of fall in the air. Although I look forward to fall, the cooler weather, the changing trees, I know winter is gonna be here all too soon. This is meant to be a day off for people who work for a living but for the rest of…
Differences in grieving.
Grief seems to be the theme for 2022 in my family. (What’s left of us.) When dad died, I could safely say that given how closely we worked together every day, nothing was left unsaid. Closure was swift and I could get to the business at hand. I knew him as well as anyone, save…
In a funk.
I’ve been in a funk the past couple of days. The reality of money has come back to be an issue. If it weren’t for the debt I took on in the name of the business, I might have more empty space in my mind to occupy with positive things. But there in the background,…
Fingers crossed.
I just submitted my first article for pay ever. It is a test run to see if I will be a good fit for a place but I’ll be paid for it regardless. It is exciting to know that I will be paid just to write. The content was very cookie-cutter (pun intended) but I…
What the world values.
Just passed an article on my phone news feed and it was about an influencer of some sort giving away an RV. It will almost certainly garner the person good will and all of the appropriate back-patting and atta-girls. Also, she’ll get paid for it. Potentially more than the RV was worth, just for doing…
There’s no time for it.
In the midst of the whirlwind of loss we have experienced this year, there has been practically no time to grieve. The year started insane and seems to show no signs of slowing in that regard. Thankfully, the disaster that my brother left behind will not be ours to deal with. There was no estate…
Fornicatus clustiforum.
Dealing with a death in the family is never an easy scenario. Now add a meth-lab and all of the associated derelict filth. Then throw away every idea you might have because none of them are even close to how insane this place is. This property issue can not be handed over to the bank…
A satirical obituary.
A beloved relative died Friday at home doing what he loved: meth. Meth was a great friend, always there for him in his time of need: When he was down, meth picked him up and got him going. When he couldn’t decide on a project, meth picked a new one for him. When he had…