Author: Tim

  • Just to be done.

    There are still a few remnants of the old business left that I need to sell and can’t find anyone to buy them. I feel as though I will have to basically give the things away at this point. If I had the option, I would. The things left are all there is of value…

  • A man, a river.

    There is an image I can’t escape. Of a man in the water.All around him, a river, teeming with life.He stands, frozen in his own time, viewing the spectacle unfolding in every direction.Nothing about the water’s current feels like home.All of this life around him is foreign, alien even.Despite this, the water is apathetic; completely…

  • No compromise.

    There will be no compromise for me in my goal to live the life I want. Every time I even begin to consider settling for less, the pit in my stomach opens up and swallows the notion. Something inside of me rejects any reality in which I settle. I have to acknowledge that this is…

  • Staring at a blinking cursor.

    Upon this occasion I sit to write and notice myself spacing out and staring at the blinking cursor. What did writers of old stare at when they were using a typewriter? I can remember taking a typing course in high school and using typewriters. It provided a satisfying clacking while working. It makes me wonder…

  • Different levels.

    I find that I write for different levels of consumption. When I first started, I was writing to myself, for myself. This writing is pen and paper in a journal style writing. The only people who see this are the few people inside my circle. I consider this privileged information, not in the “keep this…

  • Make room for your passions.

    Not everyone can be as lucky as I am to just drop everything and pursue what I want to do on a daily basis. Different situations call for different amounts of pursuit. No matter your living situation, though, you can make time for your passions. The quality you get out of this time is worth…

  • Rejection is built in.

    One of the many places I applied to write blog posts for responded with a form-letter-email rejection today. This is a reminder that rejection is built in to this process, but it didn’t prepare me for the gut check that rejection always gives a person. “What the hell is wrong with what I wrote?!” –…

  • Possessed by an idea.

    This happens to me often: I wake up with no idea of what my day will consist of. Suddenly a whim presents itself that I have to focus on. Everything else becomes completely out of focus and that idea burns bright, completely consuming me. Yesterday that idea was to carve wood so I made an…

  • Maybe I’m too different.

    It has become increasingly apparent how out of touch with the world I am. I feel as though I’ve been disconnected from the channels that virtually everyone else is locked into. What drives modern society? Politics, celebrities, fashion, sports, finance, etc. None of this interests me. It makes me feel like a pariah because there…

  • Meta-writing for writers?

    There seem to be countless websites out here telling prospective writers that a quick way to monetize their creativity is to write about writing. Write about the business of writing and how to best navigate those obstacles. When you have zero of the requisite knowledge about the business of writing, it is impossible to write…