Expanded vocabulary.
I had a real doozy of a dream last night and it made me want to learn more about colors so I will have a better vocabulary to describe the unbelievable scenery that my mind built. I have always found it to be a somewhat difficult task to convey colorful scenes because I have a…
In service to the artist.
I am intent on spending the entire year of 2024 in service to the artist I know is in me. Once again I can feel the bursting out of possibilities in all directions and the continued lack of responsibilities practically paving the way for free and clear exploration of these avenues. I want to take…
It’s been hard to complain.
Just under a week until Thanksgiving, a made-up American holiday that conveniently glosses over the amount of suffering that existed during the beginning of the tradition. Like so many holidays in the modern age, it has been taken hostage by rampant consumerism and built as a way to boost sales before the end of the…
To vote or not.
2024 will be the 6th time I have the opportunity to cast my vote for President of the United States. This journey began in 2000 when I first turned 18 and I voted the way most of us did at that age, based on who our parents supported. As the years have went on, I…
32 days in.
It has been 32 days since I committed to writing 500 words a day on my next book and I am fast approaching 20,000 words. I have been in uncharted territory for most of the time now, and it’s a good feeling to look at the ever growing number of words that make up the…
18 days in.
It has been 18 days into writing 500 words a day and I believe I’ve officially written more on any one piece than I ever have at this point. I’m over 11,000 words which is almost double the size of my self-published short story. There haven’t been any issues with this pace at all and…
Be anything but a writer.
I have been tasked with writing an article that describes things that kids can do as an enrichment activity and one of the things on the list is creative writing. The first sentence that came to mind when I considered this as something for kids to do is: “Creative writing is a sure way for…
11 days in.
I’m 11 days into my new approach for writing and I can say without a doubt that I should have been tackling projects like this all along. In the space of that time I have added 5,663 words to my book and looking at that number is encouraging as hell. The number of words I…
A better way.
The steady approach to writing seems to be a much better way at getting results, and I’m over a week of 500 words a day now. It isn’t a crazy goal every day, and the results are more than I’ve ever achieved through the short, miraculous bursts I’ve received during windfalls of inspiration. This doesn’t…
Pace yourself.
The desire to write anything and everything toward the progress of my next book has taken ahold of me. I’ve already exceeded my target daily word count of 500 and I want to keep writing but I don’t want to exhaust the source for the days in the future. My concern is that it would…