Zero motivation.
I currently have two writing assignments and I am struggling to find any kind of motivation to work on them. Yesterday I was in the zone for hours and able to get some serious work done but it feels like a different world entirely today. This is when the effective pay rate of writing is…
From tragedy.
Today marked the first time I’ve received royalties from the proceeds of my short story about dad. It was a strange mix of feelings when I saw the modest deposit in my account. Does my interpretation and reimagining of events warrant a price, however small, from anyone? Can any story really do a man who…
Now the wait.
Submitted my first assignment to a new client this morning and now I just need to wait for their feedback. It can be hard to know when to inquire about payment if the client never brings up the subject. I don’t like to discuss it at all until I have submitted my work and that’s…
A second potential client.
After applying to several different job listings, I had a second client reach out to me for a test. I submitted the test and the client approved and assigned me with work straight away. This could provide nearly full-time writing opportunities with just one client, and definitely does with both of them I now work…
I’ll take it.
After a few months trying to find repeat business from a client I managed to land one that has given me several assignments and a little momentum. I’ve tested for a few but haven’t been the right fit for one reason or another. (My favorite was a client who said I write like an author,…
Maybe I just love complaining.
I guess I never realized how much I love to bitch about the state of the world. Having this site to do it is pretty awesome. Everyone take me seriously, but also maybe don’t, because nothing is probably worth taking seriously.
What it’s really like.
If you go down the rabbit hole of what it is like pursuing a career in freelance writing, you’ll find millions of websites telling you how anyone can do it. Then they will offer pages of nearly identical advice and lists of links to other sites where you can find work. Links that contain affiliate…
What opportunity doesn’t look like.
While perusing writing gigs on offer at a popular site, I happened upon a gig that seemed interesting upon first glance. It was in a category I’m familiar with and happy to write about and I felt like it was a good potential opportunity until I got to the third page of the application. In…
Near the bottom.
Today I felt myself nearing the bottom of how I can feel about my place in the world. The facts of this year and what remains to be resolved have taken a toll on me. Because of my sense of loyalty and duty, I have spent most of this year filling a hole and I’m…
Losing the thread.
When the reality of having to make some kind of living rears its ugly head, it has a way of forcing the creativity right out of me. Some form of hesitation crops up and gets directly in the way every time I try and sit down to write something. It feels as though I am…