Author: Tim

  • Drawing blanks for days.

    Last week was unseasonably warm and I spent a good deal of time working on doing interior work for a new shed that will double as an office space for my lady. That meant that I had a hard time prioritizing the writing assignments that needed done. Now it is the start of another week…

  • Breathe easier.

    The air all around has become easier to breathe and move through without reservation. On this side of the crashing of mental health and aging, we find ourselves rare opportunities to take stock. Life seems truly limitless and boundless again, though the day to day still exists and intervenes. I find that the ability to…

  • Now it’s snowing.

    Last week I made a list of all of the projects I’d like to get accomplished throughout the course of 2024. The first item on the list was a monster of an undertaking and it was an item I’d be happy to take the whole year to complete. We have around 60 fully grown pine…

  • Fewer stories like this.

    I have started to utilize the limiting features of Google News to filter out the garbage I am sick of seeing pop up. Every time a headline comes up that I cringe at just seeing, I click on the “three dots” and hover down to Fewer stories like this. This doesn’t completely remove the bullshit,…

  • Free will.

    I have found myself neck deep in the morass of Wikipedia researching the concept of free will because I’m curious as to whether or not I believe in it. I am beginning to suspect that I have changed course on this front and no longer necessarily believe that it exists. There is just a lot…

  • My mind is in the Southwest.

    The Southwest crossed my mind today and I’ve been daydreaming about it ever since. It’s been over a year since we went out to visit our land in Arizona, and I want to get back out and enjoy that freedom again. There is still nothing there, and so much going on here every day that…

  • Scattered success.

    In my attempt to filter the news out of my every day life, I’ve had some success and a few times it has gotten through to me again. I can’t find my way to just parsing all of the topics and sources completely from my feed, because the fear of missing out on something relevant…

  • *fake laugh here*

    My lady love works in corporate America, having worked hard for her education and being able to work from home since 2020. When the company transitioned to remote work, they pivoted their entire corporate structure to support it permanently. This includes real estate dealings, shifting office space for outside leasing, blah blah blah, things that…

  • To protect myself.

    I have spent entirely too much time doom-scrolling through the news lately, getting stuck hard on the political section in particular. I think that for my own peace of mind and to protect myself, I need to disconnect from this behavior as much as humanly possible. Nothing gets solved by my worrying about how this…

  • Highs in the single digits.

    Winter broadsided us this weekend and I have no intention of leaving the house for anything. It is currently -7, and just looking outside sends chills through your body. If there is a saving grace it is the fact that it is a bright, sunny day, and that little bit of solar power helps a…