Category: Stream of Consciousness

  • Meanwhile in Indiana.

    We are making headlines through our dedication to setting the clock back 50 years. There’s a case of a 10 year old child from Ohio coming to Indiana to get an abortion because she was raped. Let’s just get this part out of the way now: If this isn’t an exception to the rule then…

  • Even more nice days?

    There may be more than one nice day this week… More opportunities to get out and do some work around the house. I have officially become old because I look forward to it. Won’t be long before I pick up some New Balance shoes, white tube socks, and jean shorts. I’m on my way to…

  • Peace of Monday.

    Up at a reasonable hour today and got quite a few things done. For the first time in a minute, I feel as though I accomplished something today. It is all just stuff around the yard/home but it provides for a better environment so it’s a nice series of small victories. Today was an unseasonably…

  • Mid-life crisis management.

    The title is just a funny imaginary position I thought of. Someone who is a mid-level manager who specializes in mid-life crises. They would just oversee all of your actions and make sure they comply with all known standard practices for any mid-life crisis. They’d report to the company how you were performing within the…

  • An erased debt.

    In late summer 2021 I secured a loan for a pickup truck for use in the business. The loan was around 5 years and had an unreasonable interest rate. At the time, we were in need of such a truck to perform our operations effectively. When everything changed in December, I was of a mind…

  • Better than that.

    The man in my dream looked a lot like me but apparently his crimes were so serious they warranted the death penalty.When I compare what I have to that dream being, I am wealthy.There he sits, in waiting, ordered executed by the state.Both of us borrow breath from the world, but mine come with relative…

  • My great fortune.

    Today is a quiet day, save for the welcome, rhythmic tapping of rain on the sill.Steady showers put me in a mind of gratitude.As I see the rain, I see the world spring to life in response.The dry time has ended, if momentarily.It reminds me how desperately the West needs this life-giving bounty we are…

  • Gainful unemployment.

    I have stumbled upon a phrase that took hold in my mind earlier this morning, the concept of “Gainful unemployment”. The known saying is to describe someone as being gainfully employed. This would describe someone who has taken a traditional 9-5 job and is, by some measure, a productive part of society. I am gainfully…

  • Now what?

    Being gainfully unemployed gives a person a blank slate nearly every day to work with. I find myself staring at this blank slate today and feel the need to do something. It seems that my ability to come to a complete stop doesn’t exist. The beauty of my place in life is that whatever I…

  • A familiar calling.

    I can feel myself being tugged in the direction of picking up some drum sticks again. My hands have been tapping rudiments without much conscious effort and I want there to be more noise when I do it. As always, issues of logistics arise. Unlike most hobbies/passions, drums take up physical space and practice is…