Category: Stream of Consciousness

  • Authenticity isn’t cheap.

    Authenticity isn’t cheap:It’ll cost you friendships. It’ll cost you marriages. It’ll cost you extra time to explain even the most innocuous comment. It’ll cost you in very real world terms, financially. Starving artists are nothing, if not authentic. The first duty is to be authentic to yourself. This may reveal that you’re lying to yourself…

  • A persistent disclaimer:

    I will be 100% honest about my opinions and worldview at all times. I do not edit out the rough edges because they make me who I am. This will come across as crass, unrefined at times, and borderline sociopathic at others. I’ll do my best to bracket editorialized things but won’t promise consistency on…

  • Some handy tips to fight inflation.

    Inflation seems to be chief among the headlines lately and I figured what better time to offer some tips to help. Disclaimer: As with all free advice, it’s free for a reason. It may not be directly applicable to your life and situation. I don’t live your life, so it’d be problematic for me to…

  • Veracity.

    Today’s word of the day from It’s a word I aspire to on a daily basis. It is the basis of this entire space. It’s a good one.

  • Selling myself without losing my soul.

    I want to write for a living. I want to obsess over words and their proper usage. This has no particular direction, I’m happy to write about almost anything. What I am not sure of is how to make money at this without also selling something of who I am. Ads make me scowl and…

  • Seven years ago today.

    When I was turning one year old, I was spending the time in the hospital with an infection in my left hip joint. This infection had become so serious that it required surgical intervention to remove from the affected areas. Surgery in 1983 was not what it is today. Because of this fact, I received…

  • A clean room.

    I have taken to using a clean room as an analogy for the mind. If you can make a room free from clutter, it can be used to best effect for it’s true purpose. Just as one might clean a physical room, one can clean the mind. In both cases, it allows the space to…

  • Days of different drives.

    Yesterday was a full-on creative push and today I feel much less of that energy. I am aiming for a sustainable level of this but am more inclined to peaks and valleys. Getting to this space to say how today is going might be all of the creative energy I focus today. Practical projects were…

  • Take away the teeth.

    Take away the teeth and claws.Make the thing defenseless.All the primal remnants discarded.Now you’ll have an acceptable animal.Docile, obedient, playing at social.Baser instincts may be suppressed but are never gone.The lizard brain only demands survival and will do so by any means.No matter how much costumed posturing we do, we are all still just beasts,…

  • Issues hard to follow.

    Scrolling through the news this morning I came across an article outlining a new package of legislation regarding climate change. As I began to wade through the morass of details about the potential bill I could feel my eyes glazing over and my attention being sapped by anything and everything else. The feeling that took…