Author: Tim

  • Gray parts.

    The parts of me that are him have gone gray, robbed of their vibrancy.By the rain, absent son.He’s on the round edges of every drop.Save for the feeling sort.Talk to me about the whether.

  • Happiness in the moment. Any of them.

    Happiness, as a concept, is a baffling one. It’s a state that exists solely in the imagination but we make it a life’s work to try and attain it. As with many of the greatest things in life, recognizing how much of it you already possess will instantly grant you more of it. So that…

  • A stark reminder.

    It isn’t often that the state of things in the outside world warrants any sort of response but I feel compelled to say that things are getting truly unsustainable in real terms. We are basically indoctrinated to rely on automobiles and therefore are reliably slave to the fossil fuel industry. The same industry that has…

  • For the love(r) of words.

    There is a word for the lover of words: logophile. I number myself proudly among the ranks of humans, thus obsessed. A well constructed sentence is basically porn to me, and it doesn’t need to reach for the top shelf for content either. Loving words means that I even love the simple ones used to…

  • Busy work.

    I’ve been occupying my hands and therefore my mind lately with work refinishing doors. This has allowed me to figuratively paint myself into some corners and wrestle with my place in the world. It’s a given but I’ll say it anyway, this conflict happens entirely within the confines of my headspace. But this can come…

  • A vocabulary problem.

    In an attempt to define who I am and want to be, a problem of vocabulary arises. Rather than just settle on a word, two or dozens, I lose myself in the idea of being any single thing. This isn’t who I am. I am amorphous.I am idiosyncratic.I am iconoclastic.I refuse to surrender to convention…

  • Months of wandering wonder.

    2022 started with a hefty dose of tragedy in February with the passing of my father. Ever since then I have been completely occupied cleaning up and closing down a business that I have been a part of since I left high school over 20 years ago. Now that much of that work has been…

  • Abundances among absences.

    Relationships have taken center stage in my life, chief among them my closest family and friends. Death makes priorities abundantly clear and I have never felt clearer on my motivations surrounding the people that I love. It is an absolute priority for me to be of service to these humans in the ways that they…

  • What is this?

    It occurs to me that my uncategorized writing has started to bleed over into my topic-specific websites. Most of my philosophical and creative writing endeavors need their own space and this is that space. I owned and operated this domain years ago and decided to check and see if it was still a thing and…