Category: Stream of Consciousness

  • Anticipation of fall.

    Next week is a preview of the season at our doorstep and I look forward to it. I can already feel the to-do list growing as I think about all the things it will be nice enough to accomplish since it won’t be in the mid-80s or 90s. This is the time of year where…

  • Looks brutal outside.

    Today is shaping up to be one of the hottest days of the year, if not the hottest, pushing the mercury to just a few degrees shy of 100 by the end of the day. The room I’m in has a mostly covered window that I can look out of and see that it even…

  • Any direction whatsoever.

    The scattered mind plagues me today and I’m finding it difficult to concentrate on much of anything. It is a reminder that I need to get back to clearing the clutter out of my head instead of just letting it accumulate like so much trash. The second after I finished that sentence my mind wandered…

  • Maybe.

    It’s never enough to fulfill the nonstop desire to create. I feel an incessant, animalistic drive to continue pursuing whichever direction feels right on a day to day basis. None of these things pay me especially well in worldly ways, the ones that allow me to buy shiny things I don’t need, and maybe that’s…

  • A great book.

    I decided to indulge and picked up the Audible version of Rick Rubin’s book The Creative Act and I have to say I am floored by it. I already had an idea that this legend of the music business was on another level than the rest of us but having a window into it is…

  • A herd of squirrels.

    There exists a sort of organized chaos within the clutter of my mind. Most of the time I spend trying to wrangle it into submission for the sake of being a productive human being. Every once in a while, though, the patterns become clear and there is a calm in this otherwise messy space. I’ve…

  • Gross.

    It’s nearing the end of July and as is tradition in our little corner of the Midwest, things outside are getting particularly sticky and gross. Walk outside for more than a few minutes and you are sweating and hating your life. It is at times like these I remember how lucky I am and express…

  • Just be on every day.

    Inspiration is a tricky thing to navigate. It would be handy to be able to summon it at will to do my bidding so I could function more effectively as a creative, but that’s not the reality we live in. Inspiration comes and goes as it pleases, and for that reason, I respect it. Every…

  • A lack of balance.

    The concept of imbalance is one I’ve grown familiar with over the past few years as I watched my dad give his life to his work believing it was the right thing to do only to be killed for his effort. I knew that he had an unhealthy relationship with work; the kind of one-sided,…

  • Hard to be surprised.

    After months of arguably pointless deliberations, the supreme court struck down student loan forgiveness with the least surprising vote, 6-3. It is a decision that felt preordained from the moment forgiveness was announced by the current administration. The rational among us saw the plan as a political gambit with just about zero chance of holding…