Category: Stream of Consciousness

  • And it pays me nothing!

    It feels incredibly encouraging to make progress on one of my projects. I can feel the pressure to tackle this monster task releasing it’s grip upon me with every 500 words I complete. I know that there will come a time where getting to 500 words will feel like giving birth but today it felt…

  • 500 words a day.

    I have started writing the road trip book I have put off for no apparent reason and I have committed to writing 500 words a day toward that project. It’s a commitment to myself and to the universe to get this story out of my head and onto the page. This will be in addition…

  • How about now?

    Now that there is truly nothing happening and I feel as though the dust has settled almost entirely on the past, what is stopping me from going for it, creatively? I say it to myself all of the time and today is another such occasion: If you can’t do it now, with the least distractions…

  • Crash into fall.

    And just like that, any illusions we may have had about the time of year have blown away with the first gust of the 40s. The trees join us in recoiling from the cold, seeming to shiver in anticipation. The clouds put on a moody display almost daily and I’m in love with the amount…

  • If it were today.

    If today were the day I died, would it feel auspicious, inconspicuous, or like just another Monday? I suspect that for the overwhelming majority, it would go completely unnoticed, and I feel the greatest sense of loss about this fact. Not for anything I may miss, but that I may have had such little impact…

  • Screaming at the walls.

    There it is, rearing up in me again, the screaming voice inside my head, banging senseless messages against all four corners of my mind. You must create. Make the world better with something you have made, or make something better until you do. Write. Paint. Draw. Burn something. Take a picture. Throw all of it…

  • To the folks posting jobs:

    When I’m reading a job posting for creative writers, I can sense almost immediately if the company or individual will list what the position pays. More often than not, they don’t list it. Or they dodge with the word competitive, hoping to get a free sample from you that they will own. A sample that…

  • Light is fading.

    It’s about to be October and I can feel the light leaving both ends of the day as we creep towards fall. It is apparent in my work space that I will need to make some accommodations for this dying light because it is starting to feel less like a workshop and more like the…

  • Picked up the pace.

    Over the last week I have completed four paid writing assignments in very good time, with a total word count north of 10,000. It is the first time since I’ve been doing this that I felt as though I accomplished something meaningful and wasn’t just grinding for the sake of it. I’m sure that I…

  • Never stop searching.

    There are words that will only become available to you given a certain set of circumstances. I find myself pondering this now as I recall the times I have been swept up by inspiration and things poured forth from me effortlessly but with very little control. The only way to find out where the words…