Author: Tim

  • My thoughts on cholecystectomy.

    Years of issues with my gallbladder led up to the decision to get it removed on May 1st, 2023, just a few days ago. Now that I have found my way out of the persistent fog of general anesthesia and past loads of post-operative soreness, I feel I can make some observations. 1.) I was…

  • After many years.

    I have had some fairly significant health issues over the years and one of them in 2011 not only killed me but put me on a medicine indefinitely that a person shouldn’t stay on for years. I never bothered to look into the long term side effects of this medicine (Omeprazole) because I trusted the…

  • Smoke ’em if you got ’em.

    It’s April 20 and we all know what that means… Alright to some of us it is just another Thursday. Of all the roads I have gone down, for some reason, that’s never been one of them. I think I just know myself well enough to know that it isn’t my style. It’s been a…

  • Motivation is absent.

    I have a couple of writing projects that I need to work on and I have exactly zero motivation to do either of them. Today is one of those days where I have no motivation whatsoever and I’m looking high and low for some kind of catalyst to get me going. I’m still a little…

  • Hints of spring.

    I spent several hours outside yesterday afternoon in the sunshine working on getting rid of some trash around the property. It felt great to be able to be outside in just a t-shirt and not have the wind cut through me. This just serves as a reminder that spring actually has started, although it goes…

  • We’ve moved.

    We have officially moved ourselves back to the country. There is an incredible sense of relief that it is done now but I know there is still loads of work to make it ours. Being back takes away the near-constant buzz of living in a city, and there is no overstating how amazing that feels.…

  • He’d have been 44 today.

    Today would have been my brother’s 44th birthday. Yes indeed, he was a St. Patrick’s baby in 1979. He embodied the luck of the Irish, which is always said in jest as a kind of backhanded compliment. He’d have kept up with any local legend on the Emerald Isle and drank with them under any…

  • I want it all to fail.

    The recent bank closures that have shocked the markets and given everyone harrowing reminders of the 2008(ish) global crash have me hoping for a full crash. I want the institutions to feel what we feel when failures occur, but I’m afraid it won’t happen. There is already a discussion of shoring up the entire banking…

  • A strange limbo.

    Within a week, we’ll be moved back to the country and I find myself in a strange limbo. It is a holding pattern between this small chapter of life and everything that comes after. There is a great anticipation hanging over every thought and feeling, and it makes me hopeful as I look forward. But…

  • Then it pours.

    There are days as a writer where the words you’re searching for are nowhere to be found inside or out. You simply cannot force what you’re looking for out from the shadowy corners of your mind. Trying to do so pushes it all further into the recesses, completely out of reach. Then the reality of…