Category: Stream of Consciousness

  • Favorable.

    I have spent most of the current election cycle sure that we were barreling towards the inevitable disaster of another Trump term. It felt like a certainty, and I remain cautious of the possibility. But once the Democrats finally pulled their heads out of their asses and confronted Biden with reality, it seems like the…

  • Digital panhandling.

    We seem to be living in an age when people can do things with zero inherent value and get paid for them, so long as enough people interact with the content. I’d rather skip the middle part where I have to feign interest in a subject to make content and push it as hard as…

  • I’m not sorry.

    In daring to open this space to the public, I run the risk that my opinions on the state of the world will meet with resistance. As these are merely my opinions, I expect them to be taken with a grain of salt. But I am not sorry for how I feel and I will…

  • The nature and origin of insight.

    As a person who pulls words from thin air to transmute them into money, I am curious about the nature of these insights. They seem to appear of their own accord and often out of sync with when you need them. This leaves me convinced that such wisdom can only be obtained through careful observation…

  • Well then what do I like?

    Browsing through my posts on here it is apparent that I dislike almost everything about the world I live in. So that has me considering the opposite. What do I like about this world? Relationships The first thing that always comes to mind when I consider what I value is my relationships. First and foremost,…

  • On the cusp of 42.

    Tomorrow is my 42nd birthday. I remain ambivalent about the day being any kind of occasion, and instead prefer to focus on others in the time surrounding this annual occurrence. Over the weekend, I was able to spend a lot of quality time with my muse and we had a good deal of fun together…

  • “That’s not what he meant.”

    Over the weekend, during a rally, a would-be emperor said that everyone needs to get out and vote just this one time. He said that things were going to get fixed over the next four years so they wouldn’t need to worry about voting again. I read this remark as the obvious threat to democracy…

  • Social security.

    I found myself in a discussion about personal finance earlier and we made our way to the topic of Social Security. During the course of the conversation, my beautiful and incomparable lady love simply illustrated the importance of the program and how it effectively works. People who are working right now are making contributions to…

  • Not ringing any bells.

    Just got an email from a prospective gig that greeted me by name and as though I had applied for a position with them but it isn’t really ringing any bells. It seems like a decent enough gig, posting social media and website stuff, but it also feels like a cold pitch to try and…

  • Storytellers.

    Over the weekend we had a party for my lady love’s birthday and it was hours of good fun with agreeable company. We did well to steer clear of the minefields of politics and religion and the rest is history. General revelry gave way to various levels of intoxicated storytelling, and it reminded me the…