Author: Tim

  • It’s making me a better writer.

    I’d just like to shout out Grammarly because it’s a useful bit of AI-driven technology to make me more mindful about my writing. It is fucking infuriating to see the little blue squiggly line under passages of text but it causes me to examine the patterns I tend to utilize in an effort to make…

  • May has been quick.

    The ever-improving weather outside has been drawing me out to enjoy the sunshine and warmth and it has cost me time I might spend creating. Naturally, this occurs when I need to work on an assignment and I just keep looking outside and remembering that winter is never far away relatively speaking. But being outside…

  • So you want to be a writer?

    If you can’t be talked out of being a writer, allow me to serve as a voice of reason. Just understand that you will want desperately to write about the things you are passionate about and get paid your dream salary right out of the gate. But the world doesn’t reward such randomness. There seems…

  • Whatever that was.

    I recently had a somewhat depressive episode for several days and it was a reminder of how important it is to be proactive about mental health. I have gone a long time without any issues but then suddenly I spent days crushed by the weight of the world. It was everything all the time and…

  • A real retirement story.

    There is an idealized version of retirement that is held up as the gold standard of what we are all supposed to be working towards. This pipe dream was concocted decades ago by the corporate interests that control the country. You work for 40 or more years and spend the entire time being wise with…

  • Resentment.

    It is hard to explain and impossible to justify but I feel a strong sense of resentment welling up inside me. The target of this seems to be those that can’t defend themselves, and it feels irrational to even be feeling this in the first place. I am resentful of my dad and my brother…

  • Potential.

    I am struggling to accomplish much of anything today. I feel as though I am wasting my potential but I have no idea which direction I should focus my energy. There is no one telling me what to do one way or the other and I feel cut loose by the universe once again to…

  • Winter again.

    We got a month worth of rain in a few days and now it’s winter again, with non-accumulating snow and 30s in the forecast for the next couple of days. I believe it is winter’s last stand before spring really cuts loose. Thankfully, the furnace is working like a champ now after a few days…

  • Just in time for winter to come back.

    After 33 years of nearly flawless service, our furnace finally went on to that big scrap heap in the sky. Naturally, this occurred the day spring started but winter has briefly returned with daytime temps in the 30s and low 40s. This made for a fairly chilly overnight and it had dropped into the 50s…

  • No news is good news.

    I’ve borrowed the title of this post from the old adage when it comes to medical diagnosis of all sorts, but it has more to do with the actual news. It’s been months since I went cold turkey on the news cycle and it has been an incredible change to live life without this constant…