Author: Tim

  • The hinges of hell.

    I had to run a couple of errands and the second I walked into the garage I was blasted by the wave of hot, moist air that is currently smothering us in the Midwest. There is no doubt that summer is here and it’s early to feel this staggering. We haven’t had any rain in…

  • A complete dumpster fire.

    I was mindlessly scrolling through Instagram as I often find myself doing and made the mistake of going to the comments section of a post. The content truly doesn’t matter because it turns out that most comment sections are exactly the same kind of shit. Comments are sorted by “relevance” with particular weight given to…

  • My own little world.

    I started working on an assignment and after a few sections being in the zone I happened to come out of the trance and remember where I was and that there were, in fact, other people that existed. This happens fairly frequently when I find myself immersed in a creative task. I set out to…

  • It must be strange.

    I had a doctor’s appointment today to schedule a couple of planned diagnostic procedures to keep an eye on my insides after what feels like a lifetime of gut-related issues. I’ll be getting my 5th colonoscopy and upper endoscopy within a month and if everything looks good, I can probably wait a little longer until…

  • A drought of sorts.

    After a year and a half of fairly consistent writing work coming my way, I experienced something of a drought the past few weeks. It occurs to me at this time that I haven’t diversified enough in terms of clients and that is the risk you run. If the work slows down for your main…

  • A bear of an undertaking.

    The version of me from a week ago that stumbled upon the sports cards was so naive… After beginning to catalog and prepare a spreadsheet of all of these cards, I realize the truly massive scale of the task. There are more than 10,000 cards here, with more than half being worth essentially nothing. The…

  • Memory lane.

    I’m not exactly sure when she got them, but my mom picked up a bunch of old baseball, basketball, and football cards from the 70s all the way to the early 2000s. They have just been sitting in the basement collecting dust and I figured what the hell, might as well see if anything of…

  • Kill your darlings.

    Today I decided to purge some of the projects that I intended to complete but never got around to. That old saying about being willing to kill your darlings applied all the way through on one of these projects, but after spending zero time on it in months, I committed it to the beyond with…

  • Historic.

    Yesterday, Donald J. Trump, former president of the United States, was convicted of 34 different charges. It was the first time a former president has ever been convicted of any crimes, and it doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of his criminality. Despite my best efforts to avoid the news, there was no way…

  • Just keep writing.

    I feel prone to riff on an old movie quote “Just keep swimming.” from Finding Nemo today. I have an assignment to complete and I have to keep reminding myself to keep writing so I can get it done today. “Just keep writing, just keep writing, just keep writing, writing, writing.” A little song I…