Author: Tim

  • “That’s not what he meant.”

    Over the weekend, during a rally, a would-be emperor said that everyone needs to get out and vote just this one time. He said that things were going to get fixed over the next four years so they wouldn’t need to worry about voting again. I read this remark as the obvious threat to democracy…

  • Social security.

    I found myself in a discussion about personal finance earlier and we made our way to the topic of Social Security. During the course of the conversation, my beautiful and incomparable lady love simply illustrated the importance of the program and how it effectively works. People who are working right now are making contributions to…

  • Not ringing any bells.

    Just got an email from a prospective gig that greeted me by name and as though I had applied for a position with them but it isn’t really ringing any bells. It seems like a decent enough gig, posting social media and website stuff, but it also feels like a cold pitch to try and…

  • Storytellers.

    Over the weekend we had a party for my lady love’s birthday and it was hours of good fun with agreeable company. We did well to steer clear of the minefields of politics and religion and the rest is history. General revelry gave way to various levels of intoxicated storytelling, and it reminded me the…

  • What a week.

    The past week has been an absolute blur here and it seems like everywhere else, too. I would be remiss if I didn’t discuss the elephant in the room that is Biden officially dropping out of the race for president and supporting Kamala Harris to be the nominee. Over the past few years, I had…

  • Eccentricity.

    I have never felt as though I belong in this world. It isn’t a statement of contempt for the state of things, but rather an implicit understanding that I don’t see things the way other people do. It isn’t to express my desire to leave this world behind either, at least not in the final,…

  • A history of rambling.

    In the early 2000s, I began to cut my teeth as a would-be wordsmith and armchair philosopher when I created a rather lengthy, meandering work on my general observations of the world as I had come to see it. I referred to it as a manifesto but have since distanced myself from using that word…

  • Does a philosopher need a degree?

    As I have spent a little time delving into philosophy and the greater questions of what life is generally about, it has made me wonder about more than a few things. One that keeps coming up is whether or not a philosopher needs a degree to be recognized as such. I want to pursue knowledge…

  • An out of place hurricane.

    Beryl made landfall in Texas sometime this weekend and now it is on a track to hit us square with buckets of rain. We will go from needing rain to wishing it will go away in the next couple of days, with forecasts putting the amount anywhere between 1 to 3 inches. For this time…

  • The irony of money.

    I once again feel the pinch of not having quite enough money in the bank, and having to do my work just to alleviate this feeling makes me want to just abandon the whole project and go live in the woods. It takes the joy out of writing to know I am on a self-imposed…