Twenty on the sidewalk.

There was a twenty on the sidewalk in front of the gas station and as luck would have it I saw it first. I reached down to pick it up and inspect it, looking around for a possible owner but there didn’t appear to be anyone missing it.

A few people to the side were talking and noticed this happening, congratulating me on my good fortune.

“Did you find any more?” – A man broke from his conversation to ask with a chuckle.

“No. Why, do you need it?” – I wasn’t really asking.

I walked over, placed the bill on his motorcycle seat, and proceeded to go about my day. The man looked at me in astonishment and he may have even thanked me but I wasn’t around for any of that.

A completely random event reminded me that the $20 didn’t matter to me. It wasn’t mine and it wasn’t that man’s either, but I have enough that it didn’t bother me to give it away. I feel fortunate to have everything I already do and what’s more I have reached that elusive goal of enough.

Most of us have a gnawing sense that we need more, always more. But if I can live in relative comfort with the occasional chance to travel, that’s plenty for me. Money is a means to an end and we must guard ourselves from letting it become a god we spend our lives worshipping.

I didn’t need reminded but the world conspired to do so anyway.

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