A better way.

The steady approach to writing seems to be a much better way at getting results, and I’m over a week of 500 words a day now. It isn’t a crazy goal every day, and the results are more than I’ve ever achieved through the short, miraculous bursts I’ve received during windfalls of inspiration.

This doesn’t mean I will deny inspiration if and when it shows up, it will just act as a supplement to the consistency of the world count regimen I have established. Having an occasional burst of an extra 1,000 or more words will make the overall project easier, and these inspired bits typically don’t drain me of energy. They have a way of invigorating me for the overall work, but they aren’t sustainable, nor can they be summoned at will.

Inspiration is a fickle thing; consistent effort is what is required to make a work that stands the test of time. It is my desire to create such a work and have it serve as my contribution to the world.

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