The nature and origin of insight.

As a person who pulls words from thin air to transmute them into money, I am curious about the nature of these insights. They seem to appear of their own accord and often out of sync with when you need them. This leaves me convinced that such wisdom can only be obtained through careful observation and through the practice of taking mental notes.

When an inspiration arrives from nowhere, you should do your best to stop everything you are doing and observe what is being communicated. From these ethereal threads, you may be able to piece together a work of art or at very least, grab hold of an idea before it finds another, more suited recipient. Make as many mental notes as you are capable of storing in your working memory and then get them down on paper or in an app.

Given the apparent random nature of these epiphanies, it can seem a futile project to take notes at the time. But these notes can be just enough for you to see the outline of a puzzle you didn’t know you needed to solve. Assembling this outline after the fact is only possible through your diligence, and recognizing the signs of this gift from the heavens.

There will be times where you simply can not devote the energy required to wrangle these forces to your whims, and this is an inevitable form of suffering that you must learn to endure or better yet, accept. Any and all ideas find a home where they were meant to be, and if you’re exceedingly lucky, it just might be in your heart and mind.

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