Winter again.

We got a month worth of rain in a few days and now it’s winter again, with non-accumulating snow and 30s in the forecast for the next couple of days. I believe it is winter’s last stand before spring really cuts loose.

Thankfully, the furnace is working like a champ now after a few days worth of troubleshooting and having the installer come back out to help. We’re in the middle of nowhere and personally know the installer so none of the extra trips cost us anything, a fact that I’m incredibly grateful for.

I hate the feeling that comes up every year around this time when the seasons haven’t fully transitioned yet and we stumble back and forth between them. You enjoy the sunshine and warmth one day only to know it can be gone overnight, but it makes the nice days that much sweeter. I’m ready to be able to be outside all day and night without worrying that shit will turn on a dime and be awful.

It won’t be long now and I’ll be hiding from the blistering summer sun and bitching about a different set of problems, every last one of them first world in nature.

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