A busy couple weeks.

The past couple weeks have just been jammed with activity but now as I try to recall it all I can’t. The holidays have a way of blurring almost two months of the year and this appears to be the case yet again.

Add to this the fact that my aging grandmother suffered a fairly serious fall and rapid decline in her health, and it has all of the makings of a period of time worth forgetting. Her 95 years are catching up with her all at once, and I hope that if this is it, she can find some peace and comfort in however much time she has left. I’ve never seen this version of her, and I don’t want to see her suffer.

I’ve had steady writing assignments and applied to be a writer on a mental health related website. I hope that I at least have the chance to try that out, because I want to be a part of that conversation if I can.

The book is coming along nicely and I have stuck to my goal of 500 words every day since I started the journey. It has been over two months now and the word count is so far beyond what I have ever done that every day is uncharted territory. It’s a great feeling but I know editing and revising the thing is going to be a monstrous task because the ideas come in bursts and don’t always follow a linear progression. Still a real fucking treat to work on it.

I have a concept for another book that I’ve started broad-stroking and will take occasional notes on it for when I’m done writing the current one. The next one will be closer to the self-help section but I think it has some real potential.

There’s a lot going on I just had to get over here to get back to the randomness. Posting here helps alleviate the need to create with zero pressure.

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